From Denver on the Great Ouse there is access to the electrically operated Relief Channel Lock, taking boats down onto the Relief Chanel and along to Downham Market where our daughter Elizabeth lives. Further on there is a similar pontoon mooring by The Heron Pub. Both pontoons have fresh water.
The 6 miles of navigation ends at Wiggenhall St. Mary Magdalen Bridge, where the Environment Agency jurisdiction ends.
It’s a non-tidal section with good deep water, where the boat can feel at ease.
Downham Market is within easy walking distance from the Relief Chanel and well worth exploring.
Our Daughter Elizabeth has her web and graphic design business there called Lingo Design which has been her baby for nearly 20 years.
Although we can’t navigate to Kings Lynn with our narrowboat it only a short bus or train ride away from Downham Market and well worth a day out.
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