From Stanley flight down to the docks. what an experience. 2.5 miles, Right past Liverpool landmarks such as the Liver Building, Customs House, under the Museum of Liverpool, a twisting journey in and out of docks to get to Salthouse Dock and our mooring.
We were booked in for a week, which is the maximum allowed to give others the chance of visiting Liverpool by boat.
Free electricity by our shoreline connection so there’s no need to run the boat engine to charge batteries and as we have an immersion heater we have hot water too. These are secure moorings, accessed by key entry only, so peace of mind while away from the boat.
Our friends Rob and Shiela together with Mary, all from Stafford, came up and stayed locally enabling us to have time with them in the City. Daughter Elizabeth came over from Norfolk too and spent 1 night with us on the boat.
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