This is a trip of 89 miles and 67 locks! Taking us South from Cropredy through Banbury, into Oxford, onto the River Thames at Isis Lock up to Eynsham Lock and back again up to Ventnor Marina on the Grand Union Canal near Southam in Warwickshire.
The days are shorter, and it’s much cooler, but with the right gear it can be the best time of year.

Being in Banbury gave us chance to see our good friends Jean and David. We met them with their boat on the Oxford Canal in 2014 and had no idea we would become so close. Long story but Jill twisted her ankle getting off the boat near Banbury and not knowing where the hospital was we rang Jean and they dropped everything and ferried us back and forwards. fortunately no bones broken, but very sore for a few days.
On from Banbury into Oxford for a few days and a chance to explore the City.
Jill’s friend Mary joined us for a couple of days in Oxford and we did a brief visit down onto The Thames and up to Eynsham and the first lock. Mooring overnight and visiting the Town next day before heading back.
The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford is well worth a visit, we got there early one morning and stayed nearly all day. I particularly enjoyed the many musical instruments on display.

Back up the Oxford retracing our steps again to finish in Ventnor Marina where we put Chrissie to be for the winter months.
We chose Ventnor as for in 2017 we planned to get over to Norfolk again, being there means we are closer and don’t duplicate our previous travels.
2016 summary.
343 Hours
348 Locks
572 Miles
Or thereabouts?
For the next year, 2017, click here.
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